For the directors and operatives of Arthur Hapgoods Quality, Service and value along with Health & Safety are the fundamentals to our business. Hapgoods aim is to meet or exceed our client’s expectations and attempt to achieve this by:
Along with Quality Service & value, Health & Safety is at the core of Arthur Hapgood Ltd business fundamentals. The company’s enviable Health & Safety record has been created by:
Assessing risks to health & safety of all persons on a project by
project basis
Complying or exceeding statutory obligations
Pre planning working methods that incorporate all reasonable
measures to reduce risk and prevent injury
Providing training and supervision necessary for employees &
subcontractors to safely perform their duties
Maintaining plant & machinery in safe working order
Insuring hazardous materials are identified and safe working
methods are employed
Insuring all employees have first aid training
Hapgoods will continue to strive for a safer working environment
The increasing importance of environmental issues is acknowledged and has been addressed by Arthur Hapgood Ltd under their environmental policy summarised as follows:
The company continually seeks to reduce or eradicate the
environmental impact of both its operations and its finished product
The company will keep informed of legislation and good practice
relevant, and insure these are adopted in its operations
The company will wherever practicable use materials or products
from sustainable sources
Clients will be consulted when environmental issues incompatible
with the execution of instruction occur, to investigate alternative
In carrying out operations the company will take all reasonable
precautions to avoid environmental damage or nuisance to others
If we don’t look after our world where will our children live?
Arthur Hapgood Ltd understand that a trained workforce is safer, provides better quality, and is more productive than an untrained workforce. The company have brought scores of apprentices into the construction industry over many years, and insure that operatives have received requisite training where applicable, including:
First Aid
Asbestos awareness
Working at height
PASMA (Scaffold erection)
Health & Safety awareness
Abrasive wheels
Arthur Hapgood Ltd maintains long term relationships with key supply chain members who subscribe to our views on quality, service and health & Safety. Hapgoods have always believed that forging and maintaining close links with our suppliers & subcontractors (now partnering) increases quality whilst also reduces risks and ultimately cost. We have always based our purchasing decisions on a combination of service, quality and value rather that price, allowing our suppliers and subcontractors to provide the extra input which makes a difference. Hapgoods corporate financial security provides reassurance to all supply chain members in these turbulent times.